Alan Meyrowitz


Alan Meyrowitz


A Memory of Vinyl

Elder’s last remembrance, this—
hardly defect as supposed,
the hole was there to have a disc
retained upon a post,
turned round for what may come
from needle into groove

and once he held a disc on edge
to see the spiral, deftly cut,
scratches all (he was to learn)
testament to play.

But then, what sound?
A fragile paper label stayed,
giving truth to myth.
The First and Last.
Little Richard.


Alan Meyrowitz received his Doctorate in Computer Science from the George Washington University in 1980, and retired from the federal government in 2005 after a career in research. His poetry has appeared in California Quarterly, Diverse Voices Quarterly, Eclectica, Existere, Folly, Forge, Front Range Review, The Griffin, Lucid Rhythms, River Oak Review, Schuykill Valley Journal, The Storyteller, and others. The Science Fiction Poetry Association nominated his poem “Wishing It Were Otherwise” for a Dwarf Star 2012 Award; it was published in a chapbook of nominees.

© 2013 Alan Meyrowitz, used by permission

Technoculture Volume 3 (2013)

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