This webpage contains sample code for posting still images on the Technoculture website.

If you wish to embed still images, please send them to us in GIF or JPG format. We will upload them to our server.

Once we e-mail you that your images have been put in a directory specific to your project, and we open an author’s account so that you can log into TC’s database and create a new page. You can cut and paste your text into the web browser window.

Alternatively, we can code your essay for you once your final text is accepted for publication.

Your link should include something like the following, using the specific parameters we send you.

<img src="">

In the example above, I would be calling an image named “welcome.jpg” located in the directory for my project (“demo”) located in the directory for all media for that volume.

You can name the jpgs or gifs as you wish. Capitals matter! (“Test.jpg” is NOT the same name as “test.jpg.”)

Sample Image:

<em>Technoculture</em> Logo” src=””></p>
<p>Here is the code that calls that image:</p>
<p><pre><img alt=Technoculture Logo" class="center" src="">

“demo” is the volume; “images” is the subdirectory specific to your project (usually your last name).

For most texts, use floatRight or floatLeft to embed your image in the text.

We have many custom CSS classes available to TC authors, listed in our TC stylesheet. Here is another example:

Paragraph in red text aligned in the center

This is the HTML code that will create that effect:

<p class="red centertext">Paragraph in red text aligned in the center</p>

Following these conventions should cause your images to appear in a way that is consistent for readers and interesting to you as an author.

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