At Technoculture, we believe strongly in anonymous peer review; following the suggestions of the Council for Editors of Learned Journals “Best Practices for Online Journal Editors,” we have a formal peer review policy:

Critical-Cultural Works

We offer anonymous review, except where that is not possible due to the nature of the submission. Full articles are first checked by our editorial assistant for identifying information of any kind, including a review of all references; once that is done, potential articles are sent on to two members of the editorial staff who review the manuscripts for basics such as interest to our readers, appropriate content, adequate citation, potential impact on the field, length and so on.

If the manuscript is rejected at this point, the editor of TC will reach out to the author with comments. This is not a formal “revise and resubmit.” This should be read by the submitter as a rejection, but the editor’s comments will include reasons for our determination, and, if appropriate, other journals for which that article might be a better fit.

If the editorial staff are interested in potential publication of the article, it is then sent out to another member of the editorial board, or, in rare cases, to an outside reviewer. Generally, we wish to reduce the amount of gift labor to a minimum and so attempt to limit reviewing to board members, who can then make their work visible on their CVs and their work load documents.

In all cases, the peer reviewers’ identities are not available to potential authors.

Creative Works

As is true of many creative journals, peer review of creative works is a matter of editorial taste. While we do consider all creative works peer reviewed if published in Technoculture, we will not normally send them out to a outside reviewer.


Our reviews are not peer reviewed publications, and most reviews for Technoculture will be solicited by our staff. Potential writers are nonetheless encouraged to suggest books, websites, media projects and other materials by an inquiry to our Submittable account, and we particularly encourage graduate students to consider writing a review as a first publication.

Revised: 19 July 2022

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