Here is a brief description of the kinds of work we publish in Technoculture. We encourage use of media in all works published by Technoculture.

Articles should be between 5,000 to 6,250 words (or their equivalent in media projects). Ideally, even linear texts should include use of media such as still images, video, and audio. Please write us at our Submittable site for more information.

Creative works may be of any length, in the judgment of the editorial staff; you may write our Creative Editor at by visiting our Submittable site if you are interested in submitting creative work, especially new media and documentations of installation or shows you’ve curated that involve technology.

Reviews should focus on cultural studies of technology published within the last two years of the time of the review. All reviews should be 1,000 to 1,500 words in length. Reviews should include the complete details of the work: author(s), publisher, date of publication, and medium. Please contact us at our Submittable site if you have suggestions for works we should review or would like to write a review for us (we particularly encourage graduate students to consider doing a review for us).

All linear critical essays submitted to Technoculture should be submitted in rtf. We also publish web equivalents such as html, video or audio. Video and audio works should include a transcript of the text.

Please include a brief bio of the author (no more than 100 words) with your submission. We don’t consider material in your bio as part of the review process but it helps us when it’s time to put your work online when accepted

If you are interested in writing for us, begin by submitting an abstract, description of your work, or the work itself to our Submittable site.

If you are including media please see our page that details what we need from you in the way of media. With some few exceptions, we store all media directly on our site and do not allow you to link to an existing site.

If you need assistance, we’ll help you convert linear texts to HTML and show you how to embed the video or audio in your document; we can also convert the texts for you. Those writing webtexts should link to all media using relative links and send us the entire web in its own directory.

If you have any questions about this, please visit our Submittable site.

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